Yes, You Really Do Need to Remove Your Dentures to Clean Them

August 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkmfd @ 2:32 pm

You lead a busy life. Whether you work, raise a family, volunteer, or have hobbies that you’re passionate about, it probably sometimes feels like there’s simply not enough hours in the day to do everything you need to do. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could save some time on your daily routine, so you have more time for everything else? But while taking a shortcut to the office or meal prepping on weekends can certainly give you a few extra daily minutes to enjoy, there’s one thing you should never cut corners on: your oral health.

If you wear dentures, you already know that they need to be removed to be cleaned at least once a day and then again to be soaked overnight. But often, people wonder if they really need to take them out for that daily brushing. Here’s why the answer to that question is a resounding yes!


How Do Dentures Affect the Way Your Food Tastes?

July 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkmfd @ 12:11 am
Man eating breakfast

Enjoying delicious cuisine and new flavors is one of the many joys that life has to offer. If you consider yourself a foody, or you at least have a few favorite dishes that you like to eat, you may be concerned about how getting dentures will affect how your food tastes. Continue reading to learn more about the different ways that dentures can affect the taste of food and what you can do to reduce this.


Facing the Front: Tooth Replacement Made Easy with Dental Implants 

June 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkmfd @ 6:44 pm
Patient smiling with a missing front tooth waiting for dental implants

Losing a front tooth can be devastating for your smile and self-confidence. No one wants to look in the mirror and see a big gap where a beautiful tooth once stood! Fortunately, dental implants offer a reliable solution for replacement, restoring both function and aesthetics. But are they really good enough to be at the forefront of your smile? Continue reading to learn everything you should know about using dental implants to complete your grin.


Straight Talk: Orthodontic Options for Patients with Dental Implants

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkmfd @ 6:00 pm
Patient smiling with dental implants and orthodontics

Dental implants are a fantastic solution for replacing missing teeth, but what happens if you need orthodontic treatment and already have an implant? It’s a common concern, and the good news is that having a dental implant doesn’t necessarily rule out orthodontics! Continue reading to learn what you need to know about straightening your smile, even with a dental implant.


Sore & Straight Smiles: What Does Getting Braces Feel Like?

May 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkmfd @ 7:39 am
A dentist placing braces on a patient’s teeth

You may already know braces could straighten your smile well. Still, consider a specific question before you commit to them: What does getting braces feel like? Learning its answer would boost your confidence in treatment and make your care smoother. As for where to find the right details, let your Newpark Orthodontist help out. Read on to learn about the placement process for braces, how it feels, and ways to adjust to it afterward.


Facial Fixes: 3 Ways Dental Implants Enhance Your Appearance

April 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkmfd @ 6:45 pm
Nose-to-chest view of a dentist in a green shirt and white jacket holding model implant while touching her face

Did you know that tooth loss can impair your ability to eat and speak as well as change different aspects of your face? Unfortunately, when teeth go missing, your body begins to reabsorb bone mass from your jaw, which is no longer necessary to support them. In time, you’ll start to notice changes in your appearance as your jawbone slowly weakens.

Fortunately, your dentist can prevent this by placing dental implants. Continue reading to learn 3 of the ways these restorations can preserve your visage!


Molar Madness: Why Do I Need to Replace a Tooth No One Sees?

April 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newparkmfd @ 5:05 pm
3D rendering of a dental implant between 2 other teeth

Many people who lose one of their front teeth want to replace it right away because they’re self-conscious about their altered appearance. However, if you’ve lost a molar or another tooth that’s less visible, you might wonder why you should invest in a restoration, like a dental implant. If no one is going to see it, why should you bother getting one?

The truth is that more than your looks are impacted when teeth go missing. By restoring a back tooth, you’re not just restoring your smile but also ensuring long-term oral health. Continue reading to learn 3 good reasons to refurbish your grin sooner rather than later!
